Saturday, January 11

The 2014 Memory Jar..

      Here's a little DIY project that I've been working on: The 2014 Memory Jar. It may sound lame but honestly it's the best way to recall our your favorite moments of 2014. Our brains are biased in such a way that we only remember the bad stuff. This Jar proves that good stuff did happen in 2014 and memories were made. It'll lighten up your gloomy days, reading these will make you relive those moments; bringing you joy and happiness and all the other emotions you felt as you made that memory. 
I hope you get inspired into making one :D
[I know my jar seems pretty plain and not too artistic: it isn't cause I'm just not an artistic person :P I'm talentless when it comes to that :P but that didn't stop me and it shouldn't stop you :P ] 


Share your thoughts with me :)