Tuesday, December 17

Walk A Thousand Miles In My Shoes...

    To begin with; I would like to thank you all, for taking some time to check my blog; I didn't expect the pageviews to be as high as they currently are; so Thank You.

    Today I'm going to write about a problem that most of us suffer from; our physical appearance. And being a teenager adds more pressure; "you're supposed to look young and happy and vibrant", notice that word there? "Supposed"? Being young is not something we chose to be, we are simply born after you; doesn't necessary mean that we should be excited about that fact. Happy? Before you tell me to look and be happy; make sure you are, I mean; you're older; you're "supposed" to have this figured out, right? "Vibrant"? God please, how many of us are ready to wake up extra early in the morning just to look vibrant? Sleep comes first in our teen life and you can't change that.

   Not to mention all the judgmental looks and stares we try to avoid walking down the hallways in school. My question is this: Why do we need to live in the constant fear of being judged? Who are you to judge others? Who gave you that power? That authority? This is my message to all judgmental people: All You Do Is Spread Hate. Just because you think you're above others doesn't mean you really are. You're not perfect. No one is. Only God is perfect; you're not God. Some people use this excuse to come at others: "I'm only being mean to him/her so that they could see their mistakes and improve themselves; I didn't mean to hurt him/her." No. Just no. All you're doing is destroying whatever is left of their self esteem and self respect. You could have; should have found another way to try to help them; assuming that this was your true intention.

  Another thing that has been bothering me; people who keep bringing the past up. You should know that the second you bring someone's past up; is the second you declare your loss. What is the point of bringing their past against them?? They were young and stupid and so were you once. You have no idea what they were dealing with at that time. One Mistake And Everyone Judges YOU! Add to that all the criticism and negativity they had to deal with after that; can you imagine what is like to be rejected by your own friends and family??

Spread LOVE. Stop the HATE.


1 comment:

  1. Be careful what you say to someone because your words might be the last before they feel like they have had enough of the world. Smile to that stranger because for all you know your simple smile could be the difference in their life choices


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