Saturday, September 21


   Life is confusing; it's too confusing for many adults and most teens; I mean; I'm almost 18 and I'm not sure what is my ultimate life goal; or what career would I like to get into; I'm not certain about any of these and you know what; it's FINE! Who says you need to plan your life?? You can't always control it; so why should you tire yourself trying to figure out the Master Plan?? My advice: Just Go With The Flow.

    Things only get complicated when you over think and start checking every possible scenario; which will eventually depress and shut you down; I'm not saying that having a sense of direction is wrong or bad for you; if you got that then you're one of very few lucky youngsters. Many people live by the book and follow the rules; but isn't it us who made the rules?? And you know what they say; Rules Are Made To Be Broken.

    This is my senior year; and I know what I should become; what I must become; but I'm not at all sure if it is what I want to become. Society, parents, peers they all pressurize us into becoming the people we said we'd never turn into. And what's worse is that only few can escape this pressure. Take me for example; both parents are doctors and they both are intellectual individuals; therefore it is only but typical for me to major in medicine too.

    I still am confused about all this; in the end I'd love nothing more than making my parents proud of me in every possible way; but in the end of the day; this should be all about me and what I WANT.


  1. Life is confusing but sometimes you need to forget things and enjoy :D

    1. That I can do in the summer; but with the start of a new academic year; my final year; it doesn't seem like a good option :)

    2. If forgetting things is the solution then please direct me to the person who invented an amnesia serum or something of that sort!! If i could tell mt mind to shut up as a way of forgeting things then life sure as hell would be easy but no such luck so we have to suffer :'(


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