Friday, September 6

How can we..

Today; I would like to share something that I've written two years ago; and never had the opportunity to share it with anyone; simply because I thought no one would understand. But now I believe that almost everyone will relate to this in a way or another; and it's pretty sad and annoying. Here it goes:

How can we live when we know people lie to us daily? They look you in the eye and just lie like it doesn't matter!! Everyone passes the blame onto others. No one is responsible enough to step up and take the blame for his/her mistakes. It just hurts to know that and yet they do it again and again.

How can we live when no one accepts others "just the way they are"? Why does everyone need everybody else to change but aren't willing to change themselves? Why does everyone think that they and only they are right? It just hurts to know that and yet they do it again and again.

How can we live when "trust" is just a word defined in dictionaries; used by us to "get our lies to the next level"? Why can't people trust each other with objects of minimal value? How can we expect a life full of harmony if brothers don't trust each other?  It just hurts to know that and yet they do it again and again.

How can we live when we know that no one has "never cheated" in a way or another? Everyone tries to hide the real them just because they are afraid of rejection by their peers; colleagues; superiors; parents; SOCIETY.. Isn't this some kind of cheating? Why do we have the need to cheat in almost every aspect of our life?? It just hurts to know that and yet they do it again and again. 

This is a topic that I can go on and on about forever; simply because I don't see why we need to lie or cheat or murder or steal or hurt others. I hope that whoever reads this relates to it and tries to break the habit; I did by apologizing to people about everything bad or offensive that I ever did to them and that made me feel relieved and made me feel like a better person; someone that's more like me. :)


  1. This is real...:)
    Keep it up!
    I think you are on to something here!

  2. round of applause ladies and gentlemen. This girl knows what she is talking about and she might be the next Michelle Obama or something like that! Alll that srufd is unneccesarry bur yet we still find ourselves doing it.


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